I'm a backend developer from Venezuela. I'm interested in Python, Go, Rust and Kotlin.
In this article, we are going to build a Reverse Proxy using Rama Framework. More specifically, a TLS termination proxy from this example. I’m writing...
We are going to create a basic REST API with Phoenix with CRUD operations but without database integration for now. This is my first REST API with...
This tutorial focuses on how to create a load balancer using the Pingora library. If you have read the Pingora documentation, there won’t be anything...
This article is about how to create a simple REST API using Ktor and Exposed. We will develop a simple inventory App with CRUD functions. We can...
Previously, I published an article about analyzing network traffic with Tcpdump. In this article, we are going to analyze network traffic using...
In this article,, we will explore what is Tcpdump and how to use some of its basic features like listing interfaces available, capturing data packets,...